Monday, May 13, 2013

How i visualise -

A kidnapper is following a victim –
-       Where: The kidnapper followed the victim into the reeves bathroom
-       Kidnapper: A guy who liked a girl but she didn’t invite him to her formal
-       Victim: A year 12 girl – 17 years old
-       How he takes her: Knocks her out with a shovel then drags her out
-       Where: Takes her into a van
Been kidnapped –
-       Where their taken: To a jetty
-       How their tied up: Tied up with chains and weights on her feet – going to be chucked into the water

Sunday, May 5, 2013


- femme fatale
- old Grandma
- detective
- assassin
- teenage kids (group)

- religious teenager
- crazy doctor
- mother of religious teenager
- murder
- Pedofile

- father of religious teenager
- teacher

- hospital
- theme park
- school

supernatural elements:
- werewolf

extra elements:
- wolf noise